Here are photos and videos from prior Krueger Foundation events.
If you have any photos that you would like to contribute to this page (old or new), please let us know so we can add them here, or send them to the following email address:
2016 Photos
Congratulations to Dr. Carol McKammon who was selected as Physician of the Year in 2024!
The John J. Krueger Annual Dinner and Lectureship Events are well known for their excellent cuisine, interesting lectures, awards, entertainment and warm companionship, and this was no exception. Hosted by Dr. Mark Winters, Dr. Ed McLaughlin, and Dr. Deepak Talreja, the program moved along smoothly and was capped by a very educational lecture on Leadership by Tim Davis, PhD, from the University of Virginia.
Connecting with friends and colleagues that we hadn't seen for a while was definitely one of the highlights of this very entertaining evening - One of the best events of the year.